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East Mississippi Times STURGIS LOCALS Sept. 13, 1918 Mr. DAN THOMAS of Camp Pike is visiting his mother. Mr EARL ROPER is visiting his mother. Miss SCOTT MURFF of West Point is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A.V. FRAZIER. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. MORGAN have taken rooms with Mrs. J.B. WOODSON. Mr. and Mrs H.W. DANIEL spent Tuesday with their parents. Mr. T.J. WOODSON spent Monday in Starkville. Mr. OLGA QUINN was at home a few days last week. Mr. BOB BARRON was at home a few days last week. Mr. PETE KINARD of Betheden was in town Tuesday. Mr. TUSS MOREHEAD of Leakfoma spent Tuseday here. Mrs. BLUMIE STEDMAN and children left for Ark. Thursday. Mr. LESTER DAWKINS made a business trip to Ackerman last week. Mr. EVERETTE BARRON of Mcgee was called here Wednesday by the death of his father.(J.D. Barron) Two squades of carpenters are leaving this week for Nashville and Moss Point. Sturgis Consolidated School opened Monday with an address by State Sept. BOND. Mr. BOND offered practical suggestions that might be put into practice in both school and community. Mrs. MARY MCREYNOLDS had the misfortune to break her right arm a few days ago. Mr. THEO RUSSELL came home sick this week. Mr. GEORGE HENRY has purchased the Dr. WILLIAM EDWARDS old home. Our community was saddened by the sudden death of JEFFERSON DAVIS BARRON Wednesday. He had been sick only three days. Mr. BARRON came to Sturgis forty two years ago and entered the merchantile business. He married Miss MARY TUMLINSON of this place. They moved to Texas and lived a few years but returned to Sturgis and remained until 1898 when they moved to Ackerman. After Mrs. Barron's death Mr. BARRON came back to his old home. We heard a lifelong friend pay him this tribute: " I have known JEFF BARRON forty two years and his is the only man I ever knew that never complained. Surely affected(being blind) he was ever cheerful. In prosperity he was never arrogant and puffed up: In adversity he was never cast down." Thus his life became a monument to his memory. He made no show of religious profession but lived a life that manifested peace with GOD and man. This writer played in his home as a child and trusted and respected Mr.BARRON next to her own father and in this hour of breavement her sympathy goes out to her playmates of long ago. None more than she knows how great has been their loss. The remains were placed beside his wife in Enon Cemetery Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. FELIX BLAINE of Tupelo arrived Wednesday night, Mmes. SMITH and MORGAN joined them at Ackerman Thursday. Owing to illness Mrs. EATON could not attend the last sad rites, May they be removed to a better world. Peace to his ashes. STURGIS LOCALS October 18, 1918 Dr. and Mrs. OSCAR ROBERTS are confined at thier home on account of illness. Mrs. LELAND MURPHY and little daughter are both critically ill with influenza O.F. TURNER AND FAMILY OF Carrolton were quests of relatives here Tuesday. BILLY WOODWARD has been called to the beside of his brother ROBERT who is critically ill. MR. AND MRS. MELBOURN EDWARDS are the proud parents of a little son and are recieving the congratulations of thier friends. HON. JOHN D. GREEN while in Jackson last week suffered a severe attack of influenza but recovered suffiently to return home. MISS EDNA HUNT has resumed her duties at the Sturgis Bank after spending her vacation pleasantly with her parents MR. AND MRS. W.L. HUNT. MR. KENNEDY of Ethel and MISS LETHIA IVY , of Whitefirld were happily married on the 16th inst., REV. H.Y. McCALAB offciating. The newly wedded pair left on the afternoon train for their home in Ethel. Sturgis mourns the untimely death of one of her most beloved citzens and physcians. (DR. T.C.GRAY) He like any good soldier "fell at his post of duty" While relieving the itch and combatting disease and death he became a victom of influenza. His death, which occured on the night of the 11th just is not only a terrible affliction to the stricken wife and mother, but a distinct loss and source of grief to our community. The Liberty Loan Rally here Wednesday was a success. Owing to the fact that there was sickness in most of the homes od Sturgis and vicinity and the weather was unfavorable, the crowd was not as large as it would have been otherwise. RUBE McMINN and ODIE MAKAMSON were the prize winners. We might say here that Supt. SCROGGINS is not only doing splenda educational work by keeping the schools of the county up to the highest standard, but he is also doing yoeman service by encouraging the raising of fine stock, corn and other farm products. MRS. J.O. PARKS AND MISS MAT PARKS left Monday for Dallas Tx. MRS GUY NASON has joined her husband at Camp Shelby. MRS. H.T. SAUNDERS has returned home after spending a fortnight. MISS LINNIE RICHEY is at home from Water Valey. THE DEAD DR. T.C. GRAY After a short illness of pneumonia brough on by an attack of influenza DR. T.C. GRAY of Sturgis died last Friday night. He was a graduate in medicine from Vanderbilt Univerity and came to Sturgis from Choctaw County. The funeral was conducted by REV. H.Y. McCALAB, paster of the Presbyterian church ant the interment occured Saturday at Double Springs. The deceased is survived by wife and mother. MRS. GRACE HAMMET A Sad death and one which was an awful shock to this community was when the news reached here Sunday morning that MRS. GRACE HAMMET, nee MISS GRACE KILPATRICK, had died at Penn Station. Two months ago this lovely young lady, bouyant in spirits and hope for the future was wedded to OSCAR HAMMET. She was the daughter of MRS T.H. COX. While on her way to South Mississippi she stopped at the home of a friend and contracted pneumonia from which she asccumbed. The remains were taken Monday morning to Choctaw County for buriel. MRS. D.P. RAINES The remains of MRS. D.P. RAINES who died at Huntsville Ala. Monday arrived here on the evening M&O train and were immediately taken to Odd Fellows cemetery and interred. Only until about five years ago her husband was a merchant at Needmore Community, a suburb of Starkville. MRS. ALICE WAKEFIELD MRS. ALICE WAKEFIELD who has been in failing health for the past year, succumed to an attack of influenza Tuesday evening at the home of her daughter MRS. ROSA RIVES. MRS WAKEFIELD has been a resident of Starkville for a number of years and had many friends and relatives here and in the surrounding community. She was a member of the Methodist Church and a devote christian and she is survived by two daughters, MRS. ROSA RIVES of this city , and MRS. W.C. WELBORN of Pecos, Texas and one son MR. FREDERICK WAKEFIELD of Texas. Internment took place Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock DR. J.D. RAY, paster of the Baptist Church officiating. MRS. J.D. NANCE The friends and aquaintances of MRS. HATTIE MAXWELL NANCE were shocked and grieved to learn of her death, which sad event occured at her home in West Point early Tuesday morning as the result of influenza which developed into pneumonia. MRS. NANCE was the daughter of MR. MURRY MAXWELL of this city. Besides her father and several brothers and sisters she is survived by her husband and one son. The remains were brought to Starkville for interrment. The funeral services were held at the residence of MRS. G.O. COX, conducted by REV. J.D. RAY, paster of the Baptist Church of which denomination MRS. NANCE was a devoute member. Transcribed by Mona Tomlinson. |