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The Choctaw Plaindealer Ackerman, MS This transcription was taken from the microfilm for the dates listed below for The Choctaw Plaindealer. Only selected items were transcribed. Most items are from "The Locals" column in the back of each issue. This film is available at the MDAH. Transcribed by R. Thiebes. All Rights Reserved. Sep 2, 1887 Running on the Democratic Ticket: For DA: R.F. NOEL For Representative: LAFAYETTE ROBINSON For Sheriff: WM ROBERTS For Circuit Court: S.B. DOBBS For Tax-Assesser: E.B. WEAVER For Treasurer: W.A. EDWARDS For Cotton Weigher: J.J. STAPLES For Surveyor: F.F McGARY For Supervisor: Beat 1 - HENRY WOOD Beat 2 - W.I. CURRY Beat 3 - J.P. Patterson Beat 4 - A.J. PASSONS Beat 5 - W.T. WEEKS For Justice of the Peace: Beat 1 - W.H. ADAMS Beat 2 - J.T. PIERCE, W.T. ATKINS Beat 3 - J.A. DOWNING, J.A. AUSTIN Beat 4 - J.M. BLACK Beat 5 - M.L. OSWALT, A.J.W. BRADBERRY For Constable: Beat 1 - C. JENKINS Beat 2 - I.M. WEAVER Beat 3 - LOVE BOYD Beat 4 - Unknown Beat 5 - J.C. SHAW Dr. J.E. SUBER has located at Crystal Springs for the practice of Dentistry. Miss EUGENIA BUCK of Kosciusko, a favorite with all, is visiting her relatives and friends here. The first bale of new cotton sold at McCool was raised by GUS CHAPMAN and sold to GEO. E. COLBERTS at 14 cents per pound. Sep 9, 1887 Young Ladies, you need not go abroad for your education. The Central Miss Institute, French Camp, Miss. Miss ELLA ELLIS of West Point, after a lengthened stay in town returned home this week. Miss ALICE McGRAW is recovering from her recent illness we are glad to learn. The Ackerman School opens next Monday, with Prof SHUMAKER as principal, and MAY T--- as assistant. JERRY DISHMAN Sr one of the pioneers of Ackerman, who has been sojourning in Texas for the past 18 months, returned with hi s family Sunday and reports the cotton crop -------. Sep 10, 1887 Rev -.G. SELLERS will preach here Saturday at 11 oclock at his next regular appt on the 11th Sunday, as well as at night. WW. RILEY will open up a grocery store soon. Bud is an old county man of ours and will do to tie to. There is not a more go ahead man in town and he is going to do business whenever he throws his doors open to the public. Sep 23, 1887 TERRELL BLACKWOOD left town Wednesday for the Harpersille College in Scott County to complete his education. J.L. POWER, the staunch blacksmith, wants the people to remember and not forget that he has on hand a lot of his own make of wagons that he will sell at hard times prices. Col BOB McGRAW seems to be in the dumps since Ab. REED's flight to Winston, but Bob's great good nature will not permit him long to succumb to the blues. He will soon be making things lively on Front Row again. Sep 30, 1887 Married at the residence of the bride in the town of Chester, Miss by Rev W.H.H. FANCHER on Thursday evening at 4 oclock, Mr. R.W. TOWNSEND to Mrs. CATHERINE FONDREN. Dr. J.H. BARRON has moved into the store at W.L. HETLIN and opened up a line stock of drugs. J.M. JACKSON still holds the fort at A.J. GASTON's and would be glad to see everybody. Oct 15, 1887 Nearly all the young men of town had their mustache shaved off. Their girls hardly knew them last Sunday. W.W INMAN now has an opportunity to keep ahead of the boys. We regret to chronicle the death of GEORGIA WOOD, son of Mr. J.W. WOOD, which occured at his home in Choctaw County, about four miles South of Ackerman last Saturday. This young man was seventeen yeras old an was a remarkably pious young man and died in the Christian faith and hope. Married at the residence of the brides mother. Oct 9, 1887 by Rev E.A. FANT. Miss MATTIE MATHIS and Mr. CHARLIE DOBBS all of Choctaw county. Married - POWER - QUINN At the residence of the brides father, Wednesday evening 12th of October 1887 by Rev David BURNEY. Mr JERRY POWER to Miss ELLEN QUINN all of Choctaw county. Married - ROACH - BUCK - At the residence of the brides father, M. JOHN BUCK in the town of Chester Sunday morning Oct 7, 1887 by Rev W.T. BARNETT Mr. S.B. ROACH of Holmes Co to Miss FANNIE BUCK. The newly married couple in company with a large circle of friends attended church at Ackerman after the ceremony and looked as happy as in the richest joys of life had been realized. Oct 21, 1887 Died at his home near French Camp on the evening of the 15th, Mr WILL R. DAVIS...JOSEPH you will miss papa but be a good boy and meet him in Heaven. BOB HARRIS was in Ackerman last week doing the honors for JERRY FOWER. Boy is a tall sycamore, a -- good one, a yard wide and guaranteed all wood. We understand Bob has a notion of getting married if he can find a girl foot enough to have him and this is to put them on their guard for he is a first class fraud. Dr. SANFORD V. HUGHSTON at French Camp has opened up a fine drug store will all the modern acquarterments and equipments. Timetable Passenger trains going North No 24 leaves Durant 3:25am Passes Ackerman at 6:00am Arrive at Aberdeen 8:55am Going South No 23 leaves Aberdeen 2:35pm No 23 passes Ackerman at 5:15pm Arrives at Durant 7:45pm For sale My place lying on Louisville Rd a half mile South of Ackerman. It is convenient to schools also the healthiest place around town, good water. It contains 40 acres of land, 7 of which in cultivation, a house with 4 rooms, two fireplaces and out houses good garden in all a very desireable place. Will sell very low. Apply at once as I intend to sell. J.M. COLLIER Nov 4, 1887 We are informed that Mr. J.K. THOMPSON the well known saddle maker of French Camp died there Wednesday morning. Nov 18, 1887 On the night of Oct 27th, 1887 at the residence of the brides father of Choctaw county Rev J.J. McLEAN, Mr RB- STEVENSON to Miss NANNIE DUNBAR. Died on Sunday evening Nov 6, 1887 at her home near McCool Miss LICK H---- Nov 18, 1887 DAVE was all in smiles last night. Does Dave love the girls? Does a little boy love sugar? Diefenbach's great trans Atlantic show will show at 1:30am also tonight. If you want fifty cents worth of amusement for fifteen cents come and bring your children (my note: what, at 1:30am?) Feb 24, 1888 W.G. MATHIS one of the ture and prosperous citizens of Choctaw was in Ackerman this week, mixing and mingling with his friends. Mar 2, 1888 JEFF D. ADAMS who went to Sterling Colorado some years ago has been back to Choctaw county during this last week visiting his relatives and friends. Jeff was one of our most prosperous citizens when he left here and we are glad to state that in his new home in the West he has prospered abundantly in the same line of business that he was in here - merchandising. Mar 8, 1888 For young men to remember 1. That clothes don't make the man 2. That their fathers know more than they do 3. That if they get into debt they may never get out of it 4. That to deal honorably will all men they begin with their washerwoman 5. That they will need something more substantial than cigars, light, kids and a cain to start housekeeping with 6. That they can't reckon on their father's fortune to bring them through life. Fortunes are slippery things - better have something besides to fall back on 7. That an employer who hears of a clerk living in style a good ways above his salary is very apt to show the door when he least expects it 8. That a girl who decks herself in the latest things out and parades in the street while her mother does the family washing isn't worth visitng much love on 9. That if they wish to fall stark mad in love with a girl because she is pretty, they ought to be sure how much powder and paint there may be in question and figure upon it accordingly 10. That fellow who deliberately proposes matrimony to a girl when he can't support himself is either a first class fraud or a fool - unless he marries for money and becomes her "hired man" Married on the 1st day of March 1888 at the residence of the brides brother Mr. FH SNOW to Miss MARY EDWARDS by HENRY WOODS Married on the 26th of February 1888 at the residence of JOHN KEEN, Eld. GEO. W. HENSON to Miss MARTHA MANN by HENRY WOOD Mar 14, 1888 The trial of JONES HAMILTON is still in progress and up to this time the State is most through with its witnesses. The defense has as many if not more witnesses than the State, and it will be two or three weeks yets before a verdict. Mr. E.V. HOUGHSTON the young lawyer who was here looking for a location some time ago, came last Thursday with his books and baggage and is now a resident of our town. Mar 30, 1888 Shooting of T.J. McARTHUR Last Saturday night some time about eleven oclock THOS. J McARTHUR was shot twice with a double barrel shot gun, one load striking him in the stomach and the other in the hip. The shooting occurered in front of W.W. RILEY's house. At first it was thought that the injury was slight, but afterwards the wound became serious an for a time the physicians thought his recovery was doubtful, but at this time mr. McARTHUR is doing well and will recover. After McARTHUR was fired upon he fired upon the assailants these shots. W.L. HEFLIN has been arrested, charged with the shootings and the case set for hearing next Monday. Apr 27, 1888 On last Friday night about two oclock death came to our house and took away our dear little LAURA. For ten days we had hoped and trusted, watched and waited. The Burial of little Laura Saturday about half after four oclock a procession was formed at the residence of the deceased and proceeded to the depot where we placed the corpse of little Laura into the baggage car. The parents and myself mounted the train and soon were at McCool where a large crowd of relatives and friends of the bereaved had gathered....yours respectfully W.B. SHUMAKER, Ackerman, Miss April 24, 1888 (parents Mr. and Mrs. TOWNSEND) Sep 7, 1888 Mr.s WILLIE WEEKS the wife of our fellow citizen Dr. J.D. WEEKS is very ill with typhoid fever this week. Sep 14, 1888 We are glad to report the condition of the wife of Dr. J.D. WEEKS has improved and trust she will soon be residing in good health. Our pen is unable to describe the numerous attractions at A. WADE's. Our pen falters and if our readers ever have conception of the amount; beauty, variety of the goods on hand there they will have to go and see for themselves. Sep 21, 1888 In Sturgis with our friend W.B SHUMAKER, we took a run up to Sturges Wednesday morning. The people of Sturges are a kind, hospitable and intelligent people, and are well up except on one thing - there are not enough men, women and children reading this journal. No man can be thoroughly up with the times unless he subscribes, pays for and reads this paper. However, arrangements will soon be perfected by which the PLAINDEALER will reach every reading family in the vicinity of Sturges. The town has quite a number of business men, some of them with ample capital, a good school building, churches and so on. Lately, Sturges has enjoyed quite a revival at the Baptist church the meeting being conducted by Revs. FREEMAN and FANCHER, there being near a dozen additions to the church. One man told us he had not seen a drunken man on the streets this year and had not heard an oth in two months. The tigers which used to frequent there have gone out of business, folded their tents and stole away. In a short while our column will bristle with ads and news from Sturges and then yerily will she hump herself for a grand bound forward for indeed will a vigorous and lasting boom be on. W.H. MORNZ, the celebrated mattress maker, is located at Ackerman and is now ready to serve the public in making Mattresses on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exchange in cotton shucks and country produce. Married. At the residence of the bride's mother in Ackerman Monday evening last by Dr. T.G. SELLERS, Mr. ANDREW S. HOUSTON of Texas to Miss EOLA R. PREWITT. The happy couple left on the train Monday evening for Texas where they will reside in future followed by the best wishes of many friends for their future happiness and well being. MADISON NASH, a colored citizen who lives in the vicinity of Ackerman, was in town last Saturday really enjoying himself with his friends and chums, and as we saw his genial spirit and willingness to communicate the amount he knew we went to pumping him. We checked the fact that he was born about fifty nine years ago, was married when twenty-four years of age, has been married three times, is the father of twenty-five children, the last one about a week old and weighing ten and a half pounds. We never learned whether Mat is a preacher or not, but evidently he is a believer in the Scripture which enjoins the replenishing of the earth. ACKERMAN HIGH SCHOOL. The first session opens Monday, Sept 17th, 1888. W.A.D. RAMSEY Principle. Tuition $1.50 to $2.00 per month. Extra course from $2.50 to $3.00 In Memory of Mrs. SALLIE BARRON She was a devoted wife, and a loving friend. She was loved by all who knew her. She died of that horrible disease, consumption. It was my happy lot to visit her day after day for ten months before her death. Never in life have I seen anyone beat their afflictions with more fortitude than did she, yet there was no end to her sufferings. Amid all her afflictions she never murmered or complained, but was alwyas cheerful and ready to converse with you. Up to two days before her death she made no profession, but always loved God's people and enjoyed talking with them of chirst and his blessings. On Monday morning she asked us to sing "Jesus, lover of my soul". We did son, then read to her a chapter from the Bible. She had us send for Brother BARNETT who had been visiting her time after time, and talking to her of Christ's blessings. When he came she asked to pray God that She might live through that day and night to praise God for the blessings He had bestowed upon her. God hear his prayer. and she lived till 12 M the next day. A short time before her death she asked us to sing for her that she might be as happy as she was the day before. When we began she joined us and at the close she commenced praising God and continued til the angels of heaven came and wafted her soul away to that place. A Devoted Friend. Nov 23, 1888 G.P. GAYLOR has another girl at his house. It will be a week old next Sunday. GEORGE looks twelve months younger. Nov 30, 1888 Died. Little RUBIE FULCHER, youngest child of J.D. and ELLA FULCHER was born Dec 7, 1886 and died June 9, 1888. It was early on Friday morning that the first news that greeted us was "Little Rubie is dead". Oh how our hearts went out in sympathy to the --- family we love so much. ANNIE BARNETT Ads: Best cough medicine, Piso's Cure for Consumption. By Druggists 25 cents. Dropsy treated free H.H. Green & Sons, M.Ds., Atlanta, Ga. Victor D. Fuchs, Grain Dealer 208 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn. Nelson's New Bookkeeping. Memphis, Tenn. Prickly Ash Bitters. One of the most important organs of the human body is the liver. Wehn it fails to properly perform its function the entire system becomes deranged....Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, kidney disease, etc are the results unless something is done to assist Nature in throwing off the impurities caused by inaction of a torpid liver. This assistance so necessary will be found in Prickly Ash Bitters! Prickly Ash Bitters Co, St Louis, MO. M.W. Dunham's Oaklawn Farmy. 3,000 Percheron French Coach Horses. Imported. Wayne, Illinois. W.L. Douglas $3 Shoe for Gentlemen. W.L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil. Almost as palatable as milk. Scott & Bowne, New York. The editor's wife is now manipulating a stick at this office, and if the editor does not always wear that calm and serene look that has been wont to grace his physiognomy the reader who chances to meet him may know the why and the wherefore. |